Enhancing Semiconductor Manufacturing with Graph Anomaly Detection

Read how manufacturers use GiQ to improve the quality of their production processes.

Data analytics


A leading semiconductor manufacturer faced significant challenges in maintaining the quality and stability of their production processes.

The company continuously monitors and analyzes vast amounts of production data collected from sensors embedded in their manufacturing equipment to ensure high product quality. This data is used to detect deviations from predefined thresholds, which, ifcrossed, trigger automatic corrective actions such as stopping production or halting specific devices.

However, their existing monitoring system had limitations. While it could detect deviations that violated set limits, it struggled to identify more subtle issues. These included slight drifts in multiple parameters that, while within specified limits individually, could collectively lead to significant problems.The manufacturer needed a more advanced solution that could detect these subtle anomalies early, enabling proactive corrective actions and minimizing yield loss.


To address these challenges, they implemented GiQ, a graph-based data analytics platform,to enhance anomaly detection and process control. GiQ utilized advanced neural graph analytical algorithms to analyze data collected from manufacturing equipment sensors. This approach allowed for the detection of anomalies that traditional machine learning models often missed.

Anomaly detection and root cause analysis

GiQStudio's neural graph algorithms provided a more comprehensive analysis by examining the relationships and interactions between different production parameters. This enabled the system to detect slight drifts across multiple parameters that could indicate a developing issue, even when individual parameters remained within specified limits.

Moreover, GiQ offered explainability features, enabling the performance of root cause analysis on detected anomalies. This capability was crucial in identifying which specific parameter values were responsible for deviations from the desired state. By understanding the root cause of these anomalies, the company could take targeted corrective actions more efficiently, preventing potential damage to the production process.

Seamless Integration

The implementation of GiQ Studio was seamless, integrating smoothly into the existing process control framework. The platform's flexibility and adaptability made it highly reusable across various production processes and configurations, further enhancing its value to the company.


Improved Anomaly Detection Accuracy

The adoption of GiQ led to a significant improvement in anomaly detection accuracy, with anaverage increase of 20% compared to traditional machine learning models. This enhanced accuracy enabled the detection of issues earlier in the production process, reducing the risk of widespread quality problems.

Enhanced process control

By integrating GiQ into their process control framework, the manufacturer achieved a higher level of control over their production processes. The platform's advanced anomaly detection capabilities allowed for quicker responses to potential issues, thereby maintaining high production quality and stability.

Cost savings and yield improvement

The early detection and correction of anomalies prevented costly yield losses and ensured that only high-quality products were released. The reusability of the graph-based solution across different processes further amplified these benefits, leading to substantial cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

Customer stories:
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